Effects of quality of service schemes on the capacity and dimensioning of LTE networks

Fatima Furqan, Doan B. Hoang, Iain B. Collings
2014 2014 IEEE 33rd International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC)  
With high data rate and mobili networks are becoming an integral part broadband access. Appropriate dimensionin access networks is essential to satisfy users' (QoS) requirements. Once the network is dim variations in traffic or population distributi capability of the network to deliver the connections. Consequently, re-dimension the necessary. Current researches do not discuss schemes on the capacity of the network. I investigate the impact of QoS schemes on t network. The objective is to
more » ... ine the network to deal with the variations in the d covered area and the user's traffic profile with schemes including Congestion Control ( Admission Control (RAC). Different scenario evaluate the effects of QoS schemes on th network. This investigation will assist netw determine the point after which the networ dimensioned.
doi:10.1109/pccc.2014.7017070 dblp:conf/ipccc/FurqanHC14 fatcat:d6vuhkbwwfbmvhnhwxpqyp5s4y