Recognition and recall of product placements in films and broadcast programmes

D. L. R. van der Waldt, L. D. Du Preez, S. Williams
2008 Innovar: Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales  
The purpose of this article is to investigate product placements in films and broadcast programmes regarding recognition and recall of product names. The sample consisted of undergraduate male and female students aged 18 to 24 attending a tertiary level institution in Pretoria, South Africa. The findings showed that even though there was no perfectly positive relationship between the prominence and recognition of products placed in films, someone watching a film was more likely to recognise a
more » ... oduct if it were to be shown audio-visually. It can therefore be concluded that if a product is placed more prominently in a film, the recognition thereof will be higher. This study can be a benchmark as it is one of the first studies conducted in South Africa regarding the perception of product placements in film.
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