Developers' Competition Behaviour of Land Reserve in Assembled Buildings Development: Based on Game Analysis Framework

Gangqiang Luo, Qin Wang, T.Y. Fang, V. Khaletski
2019 E3S Web of Conferences  
Based on the perspective of game theory, this paper studies the land reserve competition behaviour of developers in assembled buildings development. This paper studies in detail the land price decision in the unilateral equilibrium model of land market, the lending strategy of commercial bank executives under the banking supervision system, the bank credit demand of developers hoarding land, and the bilateral equilibrium model of credit-land market under the loan game of bank executives. The
more » ... ults show that the equilibrium price of land is positively correlated with the number of developers, the total amount of bank loans available to developers and the basic price of land. There is a positive "vicious" circular transmission mechanism between land price, marginal private interest of bank executives' lending and bank financial support.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/201913604044 fatcat:7n47xa6jpzavvd2svacglq4vi4