Tumba hipogeo-146 de Venta del Llano (Mengíbar, Jaén): estudio bioarqueológico y aproximación a los modos de vida del Neolítico Final/Edad del Cobre de la Península Ibérica. Arqueología y Territorio 16: 23-36

2019 Zenodo  
The study of human bone remains from the Tomb Hypogeum-146, found in the archaeological site Venta del Llano for the Los Almendros area, span the Final Neolithic / Full Copper period of the Iberian Peninsula. Their population analysis shows a funeral ritual without sex bias, with differentiated treatment for subadults. The state of health showed a higher frequency of degenerative paleopathologies and dental calculus, as well as predominant upper and lower limb musculoskeletal stress concordant
more » ... ith populations of this time for the Iberian Peninsula.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3782637 fatcat:xbitk57cj5awtbdlywwscp64sa