Dr. Y. Mallikarjuna Rao, Dr. P. Chengalrayulu
2020 International journal of social science and economic research  
The present paper has made an attempt to analyze the growth and development of FDI inflow in India; to exhibit the sector/ year-wise FDI's equity inflows into India; to analyze the country wise approvals of FDI inflows to India and to identify the problems relating to low inflow of FDI in India. The secondary data was collected from various journals, magazines, and websites particularly from the websites of the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry for a
more » ... sizable period of ten years from 2010-11 to 2019-20. Statistical and mathematical tools like percentages, ratios and the like are applied to analyze data and to draw noteworthy inferences. This paper revealed that the highest FDI is coming from Singapore followed by Mauritius, Netherlands, USA, Japan, Cayman Islands and the lowest was occupied Belgium and followed by UK Virgin Islands, China, Luxembourg and Cyprus. The highest share of Manufacturing Sector was 22.79 per cent in Foreign Direct Investment inflows into India and the lowest share of others sector was 0.60 per cent, followed by Mining, Real Estate Activities and Education and Research & Development having 0.67 per cent, 0.73 per cent and 1.15 per cent respectively. It is suggested that the government should provide additional incentives to foreign investors to invest in states where the level of FDI inflows is quite low. It is concluded that FDI is always helps to create employment in the country and also support the small scale industries also and helps country to put an impression on the world wide level through liberalization and globalization.
doi:10.46609/ijsser.2020.v05i12.010 fatcat:knn76xrcyrbwpov4anpdjslntq