International Journal of Intellectual Advancements and Research in Engineering Computations ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND LOCALITY OF SENSOR NETWORKS

Mr Aravinth, Mr Ramalingam, M Sakthivelan
2013 unpublished
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are used in many areas for critical infrastructure monitoring and information collection. For WSNs, SLP service is further complicated by the nature that the sensor nodes generally consist of low-cost and low-power radio devices. Computationally intensive cryptographic algorithms (such as public-key cryptosystems), and large scale broadcasting-based protocols may not be suitable. Propose criteria to quantitatively measure source-location information leakage in
more » ... ting-based SLP protection schemes for WSNs. Through this model, identify the vulnerabilities of SLP protection schemes. Propose a scheme to provide SLP through routing to a randomly selected intermediate node (RSIN) and a network mixing ring (NMR). The security analysis, based on the proposed criteria, shows that the proposed scheme can provide excellent SLP. The message will send securely. The adversaries cannot able to identify the source location. The adversaries cannot make any interruption to the message because of the secure algorithms. The comprehensive simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme is very efficient and can achieve a high message delivery ratio. It can be used in many practical applications.