Robust Superpixel Tracking with Weighted Multiple-Instance Learning

Xu CHENG, Nijun LI, Tongchi ZHOU, Lin ZHOU, Zhenyang WU
2015 IEICE transactions on information and systems  
This paper proposes a robust superpixel-based tracker via multiple-instance learning, which exploits the importance of instances and mid-level features captured by superpixels for object tracking. We first present a superpixels-based appearance model, which is able to compute the confidences of the object and background. Most importantly, we introduce the sample importance into multiple-instance learning (MIL) procedure to improve the performance of tracking. The importance for each instance in
more » ... the positive bag is defined by accumulating the confidence of all the pixels within the corresponding instance. Furthermore, our tracker can help recover the object from the drifting scene using the appearance model based on superpixels when the drift occurs. We retain the first (k − 1) frames' information during the updating process to alleviate drift to some extent. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed tracker, six video sequences of different challenging situations are tested. The comparison results demonstrate that the proposed tracker has more robust and accurate performance than six ones representing the state-of-the-art. key words: visual tracking, multiple instance learning, appearance model, superpixel
doi:10.1587/transinf.2014edl8176 fatcat:gyudiecdorduzkadxqutkrwkdu