The increased risk of stroke/transient ischemic attack in women with a cardiac implantable electronic device is not associated with a higher atrial fibrillation burden

Giuseppe Boriani, Gregory Y H Lip, Renato Pietro Ricci, Alessandro Proclemer, Maurizio Landolina, Maurizio Lunati, Luigi Padeletti, Gabriele Zanotto, Giulio Molon, Mauro Biffi, Roberto Rordorf, Fabio Quartieri (+1 others)
2016 Europace  
To evaluate if the increased thromboembolic risk in female patients may be related to a higher burden of atrial fibrillation (AF).
doi:10.1093/europace/euw333 pmid:28031277 fatcat:vnfim6d2uzhhfbkwlu35njbih4