Factors Affecting Forage Quality

Adegbola T. Adesogan, Lynn E. Sollenberger, J. E. Moore, Yoana C. Newman, Joao M. B. Vendramini
2009 EDIS  
Revised! SS-AGR-93, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by A. T. Adesogan, L. E. Sollenberger, Y. C. Newman, and J. M. B. Vendramini, discusses forage quality and factors affecting intake and nutritive value. Includes additional sources of information. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, June 2009. SS-AGR-93/AG161: Factors Affecting Forage Quality (ufl.edu)
doi:10.32473/edis-ag161-2009 fatcat:dmw7o4j7nfgwvpipay4upitzaa