Comparative Analysis of Inquiry Activities in Sino-US High School Biology Textbooks

Yingchun Zhang
2017 Science Journal of Education  
The arrangement of inquiry activities in the textbooks, to a certain degree, affects the quality of inquiry learning activities. The research made a comparative analysis of the inquiry activities in Chinese high school biology compulsory textbooks (PEP edition) and American high school biology textbooks (Biology: the Dynamics of Life) from the inquiry types, equipments, arrangements of teacher-students interactions and etc. The research suggests that in order to improve the quality of inquiry
more » ... arning activities, China could enrich the content of textbooks, develop the equipments of activities and optimize the detail of teaching activities.
doi:10.11648/j.sjedu.20170505.13 fatcat:ohhy2xxxsjesnp7p7tak2y7ary