Effect of verapamil on enzyme release after early intravenous administration in acute myocardial infarction: double blind randomised trial

L Thuesen, J R Jorgensen, H J Kvistgaard, J A Sorensen, M Vaeth, E B Jensen, J J Jensen, L Hagerup
1983 BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)  
1107 convulsant treatment was never started. The patient also had severe brittle asthma and died later at home in status asthmaticus. Postmortem examination was not carried out. Comment We believe that the temporal relation of the seizures to the administration of factor VIII on three occasions makes the factor VIII the most likely aetiological factor in precipitating the seizures. Unusual intravascular particulate material has been noted in the cerebral white matter of a haemophiliac treated
more » ... th large quantities of factor VIII concentrates,' and deposition of such particles in a brain with an underlying tendency to seizures may perhaps have been sufficient stimulus to evoke these seizures. The prevalence of electroencephalographic abnormalities in adult haemophiliacs is normal2; the fact that seizures have not previously been noted after infusions of factor concentrates but were in this case may be because this patient, despite repeated warnings, occasionally injected the concentrate over a period of one to two minutes. Ghatak NR, Husain MM. Unusual intravascular material in the brain. Am J Clin Pathol 1976;65:508-12. 2 Forbes CD, Renfrew S. Electroencephalography in haemophilia and Christmas disease. Haemostasis 1975;4:36-9.
doi:10.1136/bmj.286.6371.1107 fatcat:xhq6urm4vner3iwxu4sgct7vce