Charles Dickens' Critical Realism in David Copperfield

Xiaohui Huang
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 4th International Conference on Management Science, Education Technology, Arts, Social Science and Economics (msetasse-16)   unpublished
Charles Dickens, a great English writer after Shakespeare, is the most achieved representative of the English critical realism literature of the 19th century. Dickens is immortal, and his works vividly reproduce the social conditions of Victorian England. By making an analysis of the historical settings, especially the concrete personage images, and identifying the critical realism in the novel, this thesis aims to reveal and criticize the social issues in the early Victorian era in the middle
more » ... f the 19 th century. The hero David's grief at separation and joy in union in David Copperfield reveals the true nature of the society from multi-level aspects. This typically shows the corrosion of money on marriage, family and society and exposes the evils of money. To expose and criticize the social problems in the mid of nineteenth century Queen Victoria era, we reveal the hidden Victoria beauty of the curtain Society to find out the real social appearance in the works. So the study of the details of the critical realism in David Copperfield has the special significance on the research of Dickens's emotional creation and understanding of the society at that time. The Sources for Critical Realism A. The rise of critical realism In the western literature, critical realism is inheritance and development of the realism tradition. It is especially formed a literary thinking and creative way in Europe in the 19th century.
doi:10.2991/msetasse-16.2016.267 fatcat:sghzs4fob5b6pk32sio6ityc7i