A Review and Assessment of Microwave Energy for Soil Treatment to Control Pests

S. O. Nelson
1996 Transactions of the ASAE  
Reports of experimental work on controlling pests such as insectsy nematodesy weed seedsy and fungi in soil with microwave energy are reviewed. The assessment of the practicability of microwave radiation for soil treatment to control pests involves estimation of energy costs for heating soil to lethal levels for devitalization of weed seeds and consideration of parameters affecting microwave energy attenuation in the soily conditions for selectively heating organisms in soil, and other factors
more » ... hat need to be taken into account for practical use. It is concluded that little probability exists for practical application of microwave energy for field control of these pests without major new discoveries of lethal mechanisms other than heating. Reasons include the severe attenuation of microwave energy in soilsy the improbability of effectivey selective heating of organisms, and the extremely high costs of energy and equipment for such applications.
doi:10.13031/2013.27508 fatcat:rnfqlpz4x5bw3eizbrbwqbnbf4