An EML Project on Steel Beam Design

Seyed Mohammad Seyed Ardakani
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access Proceedings   unpublished
Students get to know how to apply the AISC requirements for the design of steel beams in the first steel design course. This is usually done through straight forward and predefined problems and parameters, which is not always the case in the real world. The current paper describes a two-week-long project on the addition of a balcony to the new engineering building at Ohio Northern University. The purpose of the project is to help students get more familiar with the typical loading and framing
more » ... ans of steel structures, the design process, and improve their entrepreneurial mindset by applying Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) learning objectives on curiosity, making connections, and creating value via analyzing and designing multiple framing plans and selecting the superior design through NABC approach. A beam design problem was given on the final exam, which was similar to the previous year when the students were not assigned any project. The comparison of the grades showed that the project has improved the overall understanding of students on beam design. The direct assessment was conducted by rubric evaluation and an anonymous survey was used for the indirect assessment of the project. The students' feedback indicated that students enjoyed the simplicity and open-ended, yet challenging nature of the project. Currently universities are utilizing entrepreneurial-minded learning (EML) as well. Through EML students get to solve a problem in a fashion that creates value, which helps to create
doi:10.18260/1-2--34114 fatcat:ez72gqp3yfhy5pqlxb2toni6fu