Viscous dark cosmology with account of quantum effects

I. Brevik, O. Gorbunova
2008 European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields  
The analytic properties of the energy density rho(t) of the cosmic fluid, and the Hubble parameter H(t), are investigated near to the future singularity t=t_s assuming different forms for the equation of state. First, it is shown that the inclusion of quantum effects coming from the conformal anomaly modifies the singularity. Thereafter, we consider the effect coming from a bulk viscosity in the fluid. The viscosity tends to reduce the magnitude of t_s, but does not alter the singularity itself
more » ... (the exponent). Main emphasis is laid on the simple case when the equation of state is p=w*rho, with w a constant.
doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-008-0664-9 fatcat:tat5z6mc7jhrtkhqxf4zr6ptka