One - Image Poznań Astrolabe: Project and Prospects

K. Kurzyńska, R. Baranowski, P. A. Dybczyński, A. Gabryszewska, M. Lehmann
1997 International Astronomical Union Colloquium  
AbstractA classical astrolabe has been modernised and reconstructed into a new fully automatic instrument equipped with a CCD camera and allowing observations at two different zenith distances: 45° and 60°, respectively. The new instrument permits observations of objects fainter than those observable with the classical instrument. The work on the project is fairly advanced and regular observations are expected to begin in the nearest future. The paper reports results of the first observations and plans for the near future.
doi:10.1017/s0252921100047114 fatcat:gvu4zlvvabf5lesx3al535reem