Real time fusion of range and light field images

Severin S. Todt, Christof Rezk Salama, Andreas Kolb
2005 ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Posters on - SIGGRAPH '05  
This poster presents preliminary results of our approach to interactively acquire, process and render corresponding depth and light field information. Our system is based on a handheld image based range sensor in combination with a commodity digital RGB camera facilitating the synchronous acquisition of registered image data. We demonstrate our intermediate system including the ability to simultaneously acquire and process range and greyscale image data and interactively transforming and rendering the data to geometry.
doi:10.1145/1186954.1187028 dblp:conf/siggraph/TodtRK05 fatcat:grkbcvg6bzfynf3cjeslfxtstm