Untitled Item [article]

Fertuzinhos A, Marta Teixeira, I. Dias, Paulo Flores, Andrea Zille, Nuno Dourado
2019 Figshare  
This study reveals a pioneer characterization of bovine trabecular bone tissue under dynamic compressive loading in the range of 20-140 oC, within physiological loading frequencies (1-20 Hz). The presented results demonstrate that the viscous behaviour in compression mode up to 140 oC is regulated by the collagen viscoelastic properties, showing three frequency-independent main peaks in tan and loss modulus at 75, 100, and 130 oC. The referred peaks are, respectively, related to crystalline
more » ... ucture breakdown, water structural evaporation, and the glass transition temperature (Tg) of collagen. At these low frequencies, the system is governed by a frequency-dependent elastic response and a frequency- independent energy dissipation. However, an additional experimental test at physiological temperature (37 oC), in the range of 10-200 Hz, has shown that bone trabecular tissue submitted to compressive loading at higher frequencies is ruled by a frequency-dependent behaviour of the viscous component.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.10311131.v1 fatcat:5hcvrd36evayroja5alduagbpy