A cytological study of Mauthner's cells in Xenopus laevis and Rana temporaria during metamorphosis

J M Moulton, A Jurand, H Fox
1968 Journal of embryology and experimental morphology  
This paper discusses cytological changes which occur during anuran metamorphosis in a pair of large hind-brain neurones, the Mauthner cells or M-cells which, in many teleosts and amphibians, innervate the tail musculature via ventral horn cells. The M-cells of fishes, urodeles and anuran larvae are unusually large neurones of particular interest, and according to Stefanelli (1951) they constitute a 'true functional system of nervous activity'.
pmid:5667411 fatcat:thmltg6ylbhezb3d5ey2jqsvxu