A Comparative Approach of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques in Text Classification

S. Rahamat Basha, J. K. Rani
2019 Zenodo  
This work deals with document classification. It is a supervised learning method (it needs a labeled document set for training and a test set of documents to be classified). The procedure of document categorization includes a sequence of steps consisting of text preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification. In this work, a self-made data set was used to train the classifiers in every experiment. This work compares the accuracy, average precision, precision, and recall with or without
more » ... mbinations of some feature selection techniques and two classifiers (KNN and Naive Bayes). The results concluded that the Naive Bayes classifier performed better in many situations.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3566201 fatcat:kwxarnglcrfslneyk2lffrjhcm