Atrial fibrillation and the 4P medicine

Federica Censi, Cinzia Cianfrocca, Ivana Purificato
2013 Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità  
Although the paradigm of the 4P medicine - Predictive, Personalized, Preemptive, and Participatory - has been suggested several years ago, its application to atrial fibrillation is still far away. Given the increasing prevalence and incidence of this pathology it is the time to promote preventive strategies, by identifying the risk factors associated to life style and by incentivizing innovative diagnostic technologies. The promotion of the correct life style and of the use of diagnostic
more » ... based on innovative and reliable technologies, represent a first step towards the full realization of the revolution of 4P medicine in atrial fibrillation.
doi:10.4415/ann_13_03_02 pmid:24071602 fatcat:d7f4togxdngb7lg35w25qi6sye