Whither Indian Criminology?

Amit Thakre, Jaishankar K
2019 Zenodo  
The purpose of this perspective article is to critically examine the development of Criminology in India and to share good practice of Criminologists-Police Partnerships initiated by Raksha Shakti University (RSU), Ahmedabad, India. The article starts with an overview of the history of Criminology in India that majorly covers the inception of Criminology in academia. With concern to the status of Criminology in India, the article also critically examines impediments in the growth of Criminology
more » ... in existing Criminal Justice machinery of India. Consequently, the authors discuss the initiative of employing Trained Criminologists by RSU, Ahmedabad. The initiative taken by the RSU is first of its kind in India and holds the potential to change the course of Criminology's growth in India towards appliedness. The article further emphasis on the need to fill in gaps left in 'applied nature of Criminology' and suggests replicating RSU model of Trained Criminologists in other States as well.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2647852 fatcat:2etmswab3jasrojqjvongouwim