Canadian Entomologist
THE CANADIAN ENTO}IOLOGIST. 265 fourth vein reaches wing margin; a ilight emargination of costa at end of first vein. Type: Acucula saltans, n. sp. Aczt,ctila saltans, n. sp. Length of body of male, 5 mm.; boCy of female to end of exte'ded ovipositor (axis of abdomen and ovipositor flexed to axis of thorax), 7 mm.; ovipositor, 3 mm.; u.ing, 4 to 4.b mm.. Two males and one female reared from maggots found in cactus bloom at Santa Ana, Rio Rimac Vallei., Peru, about 4,000 ft. Wholly
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... h black, polislicd, metallic ; eyes, face and antenn:e brown; face slightly cinerous in oblique lights; legs broln, tibie tawnl' or obscnre yellou.ish. Wings clear, tawly u{ritish at base. The cggs are cvidently deposited within the cactus bud at a certain stage of developmcnt of the latter, the clongated needle-like ovipositor being used for picrcing the u,-a11 of the bud. The maggots evidcntly feed on the fermenting juices of the floll,er mass, u'hose development is arrestcd by thcir presencc. This fly appcars tr.r bc intermecliatc betu,'een the X{ilichiid;e and ttrre Sepsidte, partaking largely of the characters of both. The head, abdomen, wings, legs ald vibrissre arc more like Mitichia; rvhiie the frontal characters and larval habits arc more like sepsis. The larval saltatory habit finds its only knorvn counterpart in Piophila. Thc fly is probably to bc considcred an aberrant inember of the Sepsidte, certainly so if the saltatorl. habit signifies anything. To the bcst of the r,vriter's l<nowledge, the oviposition habits ol Ctilex abominator have not becn published, and, as they are unique for a species of Culex, thcy arc perhaps worthy o{ note. The larva of this species are indigenous to the beds of aquatic vegetation 'n'hich frequently forn-r in tl-ie rivers and lakes of the north-central states. Thesc beds are composed of Ceratophyllum, Potamogeton, Lemna and similar acluatic plants. This growth is more or less impervious t, fish, but provides suflicient open rvater surface to allow the brceding o{ great numbcrs of mosquitoes. -\ugust,1913