Forced Oscillation in Power Systems with Converter Controlled-based Resources—A Survey with Case Studies

Tossaporn Surinkaew, Kianoush Emami, Rakibuzzaman Shah, Syed Islam, N. Mithulananthan
2021 IEEE Access  
In future power systems, conventional synchronous generators will be replaced by converter controlled-based generations (CCGs), i.e., wind and solar generations, and battery energy storage systems. Thus, the paradigm shift in power systems will lead to the inferior system strength and inertia scarcity. Therefore, the problems of forced oscillation (FO) will emerge with new features of the CCGs. The stateof-the-art review in this paper emphasizes previous strategies for FO detection, source
more » ... ification, and mitigation. Moreover, the effect of FO is investigated in a power system with CCGs. In its conclusion, this paper also highlights important findings and provides suggestions for subsequent research in this important topic of future power systems.
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3124246 fatcat:biq6n5b6grbqpoivrrj6rthtrm