Piracy Activities along the Eastern Black Sea Coasts in Antiquity, and a People who Made their Living by Pirating: Heniochi

Osman EMİR
2022 Zenodo  
Sea piracy activities in the ancient history emerged and developed with the increasing international maritime trade. Piracy in the Black Sea also increased during the Great Colonization Period (750-550 B.C.), when commerce gained significant momentum between communities, and this situation affected the region's economic and political activity. However, piracy activities in the Black Sea were never as active as piracy in the Mediterranean waters. Modern literature has few ancient historical
more » ... es conducted on piracy activities in the Black Sea waters. These works have usually focused on the Classical and Hellenistic period Black Sea pirates and their actions. The present study first discusses the factors pushing the emergence and development of piracy activity in the Black Sea coastlines and evaluates various pirate communities in this area. Then, from the perspectives of the Classical, Hellenistic, and Roman periods, piracy in the Black Sea and the relations of the pirates with the surrounding states are evaluated. Finally, the study focuses on how the powers that want to establish political dominance in the Black Sea benefited from the piracy activities in the Black Sea.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6954297 fatcat:5uhgqjyocrgfzjodg5xe5ak3r4