[On the Formation fo Long-term Unemployment in the Czech Republic. An evaluation of the results of a comparative study of three locatities
K formování dlouhodobé nezaměstnanosti v České republice. Zhodnocení výsledků srovnávací studie ze tří lokalit

Jarmila Premusová, Tomáš Sirovátka
1996 Czech Sociological Review  
Zhodnocení výsledků srovnávací studie ze tří lokalit JARMILA PREMUSOVÁ Pedagogická fakulta Ostravské univerzity TOMÁŠ SIROVÁTKA * Ekonomicko-správní fakulta Masarykovy univerzity, Brno On the Formation of Long-term Unemployment in the Czech Republic An evaluation of the results of a comparative study of three localities Abstract: The article evaluates the results of the comparative study of long-term unemployed in three local labour markets. In spite of the low unemployment rate in the Czech
more » ... ublic, the unemployment rate both of particular groups of people and in several specific localities is comparable with European standards. The social background of Czech long-term unemployment and of the "culture of dependency" has emerged quite rapidly. It is to be observed in the areas of mining and heavy industry as well as in the cities where gypsies are concentrated. The social marginalization of miners who lost their jobs and social status and whose health deteriorated, as well as other groups of less skilled workers, is rooted within the labour market selection processes. It is also rooted within the conflict between their unrealistic expectations which are connected to their former social status and the traditional disciplining strategy of social institutions developed by the bureaucracy of the former regime to regulate marginal social groups.
doi:10.13060/00380288.1996.32.1.07 fatcat:vghneubug5copcdaskcgwgqohe