The Study of the Relationship Between the Quality of Work Life and the Organizational Commitment of the Employees of the Municipality of Zarandieh, Iran

2019 International Journal of African and Asian Studies  
The research has not sponsor. This article is the result of the M.Sc. thesis of Hakim Nasser Khosrow Saveh Higher Education Institution. The researchers expressed their gratitude and appreciation to the participants and principal of the municipality of Zarandieh, Iran for their cooperation to conducting this research. Abstract The present study aimed to determine the relationship between the quality of work life and organizational commitment of the employees of the municipality of Zarandieh,
more » ... n. This research was a survey. Simple random sampling method was used to select 112 employees. A questionnaire including personal information, quality of work life, and organizational commitment was used to collect data. Data were analyzed by SPSS software version 20. The results showed that there was a significant correlation between organization commitment with health and safety (r=0.24), economic and family (r=0.28), social (r=0.44), self-esteem (r=0.40), cognitive and knowledge (r= 0.50), and aesthetic needs (r= 0.26). In general, there are positive and significant relationship between all components of quality of work life with organizational commitment (p<0.05) .
doi:10.7176/jaas/58-03 fatcat:yrjzexdfyzdr5nmogq7qtpefwi