Performance of RF System for Compact-ERL Main Linac at KEK

Takako Miura, Mitsuo Akemoto, Atsuyoshi Akiyama, Dai Arakawa, Shigeki Fukuda, Hiroyuki Honma, Hiroaki Katagiri, Toshihiro Matsumoto, Hideki Matsushita, Shinichiro Michizono, Hiromitsu Nakajima, Katsumi Nakao (+10 others)
The construction of compact ERL in the first stage has been completed in the end of 2013. The rf commissioning in main-linac has been started. The main-linac consists of two nine-cell cavities. The loaded Q is high, ~10⁷. As the rf power sources, a solid state power amplifier and an inductive output tube (IOT) has been used for two cavities, respectively. The RF field and tuner have been successfully controlled by using micro-TCA digital feedback board. This paper reports about the RF commissioning and the performance.
doi:10.18429/jacow-ipac2014-wepme073 fatcat:52vjq4vsvfc7vhcycqgxfxm6pi