Structure Strength and Stability Analyses of an Ultra-Large Indirect Air-Cooled Tower Based on Finite Elements

Weiwei Ren, Wei Fan, Huixian Diao
2016 DEStech Transactions on Environment Energy and Earth Science  
a, b, c Abstract. Combined with an engineering project, this paper uses large-scale finite element software ANSYS to make the structure analysis of indirect air-cooled tower, considering the effect of foundation soil. The distribution characteristics of air-cooled tower's displacement, stress and internal force is focused on respectively under the gravity, temperature load and wind load. The local stability of
more » ... cylinder wall is calculated combined with the design codes; and the tower's overall stability is analyzed by using the eigenvalue bucking analysis method. The analytical results can provide some reference for the tower's structure.
doi:10.12783/dteees/peee2016/3880 fatcat:3lybhget2nb53hhcfaatcbn4ei