Examining the indexes of the journal of announcements between 1980 -2014 in terms of Fullan's Educational Change Model

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2017 Pegem Eğitim ve Öğretim Dergisi  
The aim of this study is to examine Turkish education policies between the years 1980-2014 through the indexes of Journal of Announcements in terms of Fullan's Educational Change Model. Document analysis, a qualitative research method, is used in the study which examined the issue between the years 1980 - 2014. Written documents are examined in terms of five dimensions of the Educational Change Model. Thirty-three indexes of the Journal of Announcements published after 1980 were analysed
more » ... the codes for the agenda items focused. Frequency distributions were obtained and percentages were calculated. The findings show that the most emphasized issues are related to the dimensions of 'curriculum studies' and 'improving the working conditions'. The least emphasized issues are related to 'teacher learning' and 'personal developments of teachers and administrators'. As a result, the documents could not exhibit long-term, consistent and large-scale initiatives in terms of the agenda items. Accordingly, it can be argued that it is hard to develop long-term, consistent, large-scale reforms and educational policies that support such initiatives in Turkey. Besides, it can be stated that in structuring and development of educational policies, all dimensions of educational change should be attached the same level of importance and studied as a whole.
doi:10.14527/pegegog.2017.012 fatcat:tijxrwvrcfb6vimu6o2622wote