LaSTUS/TALN at TRAC - 2020 Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying

Lutfiye Seda Mut Altin, Àlex Bravo, Horacio Saggion
2020 Workshop on Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying  
This paper presents the participation of the LaSTUS/TALN team at TRAC-2020 Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying shared task. The aim of the task is to determine whether a given text is aggressive and contains misogynistic content. Our approach is based on a bidirectional Long Short Term Memory network (bi-LSTM). Our system performed well at sub-task A, aggression detection; however underachieved at sub-task B, misogyny detection.
dblp:conf/acl-trac/AltinBS20 fatcat:h42rlfdmsnhc7guclfqob2ehre