Effect of bias voltage on the properties of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films fabricated on CoCrMo alloy by electron cyclotron resonance plasma enhance chemical vapor deposition (ECR-PECVD)

Xingrui Deng, Y.X. Leng, H.Sun, Nan Huang
2011 Physics Procedia  
In order to increase the wear resistant of the artificial joints, amorphous hydrogenated carbon (a-C:H) films have been deposited on Co-Cr-Mo alloy substrates at different bias pulsed voltage by electron cyclotron resonance plasma enhance chemical vapor deposition (ECR-PECVD). The structure and properties of a-C:H film including sp 3 content, residual stress, mechanical property, adhesion force and wear resistance are examined. The results show that the sp 3 content and the hardness of the
more » ... film decrease with the bias increasing. But the a-C:H film residual stress increases with bias voltage. The a-C:H film fabricated at -800V bias pulsed voltage has most outstanding wear resistance. And the a-C:H film has potential application on artificial joint to reduce the wear particle and extend joint life.
doi:10.1016/j.phpro.2011.06.069 fatcat:e2a5lu2c7zgq7nm6ax7rhwzw3u