Fusion of Median and Bilateral Filtering for Range Image Upsampling

Qingxiong Yang, Narendra Ahuja, Ruigang Yang, Kar-Han Tan, James Davis, Bruce Culbertson, John Apostolopoulos, Gang Wang
2013 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing  
We present a new upsampling method to enhance the spatial resolution of depth images. Given a low-resolution depth image from an active depth sensor and a potentially high-resolution color image from a passive RGB camera, we formulate it as an adaptive cost aggregation problem and solve it using the bilateral filter. The formulation synergistically combines the median filter and the bilateral filter; thus it better preserves the depth edges and is more robust to noise. Numerical and visual
more » ... ations on a total of 37 Middlebury data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. A real-time highresolution depth capturing system is also developed using commercial active depth sensor based on the proposed upsampling method. Index Terms-Sensor fusion, bilateral filter, weighted median filter, GPU. His current research is focused on extraction and representation of spatial structure in images and video; integrated use of multiple image-based sources for scene representation and recognition; versatile sensors for computer vision; and applications including visual communication, image manipulation, and information retrieval. He is a fellow of IEEE, ACM, AAAI, AAAS, IAPR, and SPIE. Ruigang Yang received the MS degree
doi:10.1109/tip.2013.2278917 pmid:23963228 fatcat:nupxyfn2r5erlk527hbfi5z6cm