Modelling the dynamics of ambient dose rates induced by radiocaesium in the Fukushima terrestrial environment

Marc-André Gonze, Christophe Mourlon, Philippe Calmon, Erwan Manach, Christophe Debayle, Jean Baccou, F. Malvagi, F. Malouch, C.M'B. Diop, J. Miss, J.C. Trama
2017 EPJ Web of Conferences  
Since the Fukushima accident, Japanese scientists have been intensively monitoring ambient radiations in the highly contaminated territories situated within 80 km of the nuclear site. The surveys that were conducted through mainly carborne, airborne and in situ gamma-ray measurement devices, enabled to efficiently characterize the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of air dose rates induced by Caesium-134 and Caesium-137 in the terrestrial systems. These measurements revealed that
more » ... tion levels decreased at rates greater than expected from physical decay in 2011-2012 (up to a factor of 2), and dependent on the type of environment (i.e. urban, agricultural or forest). Unlike carborne measurements that may have been strongly influenced by the depuration of road surfaces, no obvious reason can be invoked for airborne measurements, especially above forests that are known to efficiently retain and recycle radiocaesium. *
doi:10.1051/epjconf/201715308004 fatcat:l7prjwkj4namjoszxag4xnck64