Exploring Factors Impacting on Psychological Well-Being of Health Care Workers

Farah Shazlin Johari, Rosmini Omar
2019 International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences  
Well-being is becoming an important consideration in developing sustainable competitive edge for better worker performance and fulfilment. While the previous studies on well-being have mainly explored workers in different industries, factors impacting on psychological well-being of health care workers have yet to be fully determined. This study aims to explore the trendsetting within the context of psychological well-being. Owing to the nature of public and private health care providers, health
more » ... care workers working in different settings are expected to demonstrate different factors relating to well-being. This scoping review aims to determine what is known about the psychological well-being of health care workers, specifically to answer the questions: What factors impacting on psychological well-being have been reported among health care workers? The purpose of this review was to classify existing literatures on the specific topic and proposed integrated view of work-related and psychosocial related factors impacting on psychological well-being of health care workers. Three databases, namely Science Direct, Emerald and Proquest were accessed to search for relevant studies.
doi:10.6007/ijarbss/v9-i2/5711 fatcat:iopmq62pc5b5nofksnvv7abx5a