Wheel of Life: an initial investigation. Topic-Related Polarity Visualization in Personal Stories

Henrique D. P. dos Santos, Renata Vieira, Greice Pinho, Jackson Pinheiro
2017 Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology  
User-generated content is a rich source of information regarding human behavior in Internet social media. Sentiment analysis is a powerful tool to understand human psychological meanings in text. Visualizing these sentiments and knowledge about users is crucial to figure out the trends in data and to then use this information to make decisions. This work presents an initial investigation about a visualization chart considering topic-related polarities in personal stories by Brazilian bloggers.
more » ... isualizing these sentiments allows specialists to rapidly understand user-affected areas of life.
dblp:conf/stil/SantosVPP17 fatcat:shj2wvm2mfaylodcwptnrui67u