Investigation of Corrosion Methods for Bipolar Plates for High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Application

Nadine Pilinski, Claudia Käding, Anastasia Dushina, Thorsten Hickmann, Alexander Dyck, Peter Wagner
2020 Energies  
In this work, different methods and electrochemical set-ups were investigated in order to study the corrosion behaviour of bipolar plates (BPP) for high temperature (HT) polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell application. Using confocal and scanning electron microscopy, it was shown that chemical and electrochemical aging significantly increases surface roughness as well as morphology changes, confirming material degradation. Identical electrochemical corrosion behaviour was observed for both
more » ... t-ups with typical quinone/hydroquinone peaks in the potential range ~0.6–0.7 V versus reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE). The appearance of the peaks and an increase of double layer capacitance can be related to the oxidation of carbon surface and, consequently, material corrosion. Simultaneously, an optimised corrosion set-up was introduced and verified regarding suitability. Both investigated set-ups and methods are useful to analyse the oxidation behaviour and corrosion resistance.
doi:10.3390/en13010235 fatcat:clpkfr6kuzanlkyyc24v5lso3a