The Strategy Promotes Automobile Industry's Self-Innovation Ability under the Era of qInternet+q

Ke Liu, Xiao-Cong Du
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Management Science and Management Innovation   unpublished
The advent of the era of "Internet +" to accelerate the innovation of the auto industry, at the same time, it's impact and stimulate to the auto industry cannot be ignored. The automobile industry is knowledge and technologyintensive industry, the future competition will be based on the innovation ability of competition, vigorously promoting the self-innovation ability of auto industry has become the first task of auto industry economic structure adjustment and strategic development priority in
more » ... China. This paper first discusses the necessity and the urgency of the improving the independent innovation ability of Chinese automobile industry, then analyzes the present situation and principal problems for the independent innovation of China's auto industry , finally, the dissertation puts forward the strategy on raising the Self-Innovation Ability of the auto industry.
doi:10.2991/msmi-16.2016.99 fatcat:i5oabwpw2jdcfpkmq7helgl7fi