Power Saving System In Green Data Center

Joon-Young Jung, Dong-Oh Kang, Chang-Seok Bae
2012 Zenodo  
Power consumption is rapidly increased in data centers because the number of data center is increased and more the scale of data center become larger. Therefore, it is one of key research items to reduce power consumption in data center. The peak power of a typical server is around 250 watts. When a server is idle, it continues to use around 60% of the power consumed when in use, though vendors are putting effort into reducing this "idle" power load. Servers tend to work at only around a 5% to
more » ... 0% utilization rate, partly because of response time concerns. An average of 10% of servers in their data centers was unused. In those reason, we propose dynamic power management system to reduce power consumption in green data center. Experiment result shows that about 55% power consumption is reduced at idle time.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1331053 fatcat:jxrc34irxjbfdlcjj3td3bfgsi