Localized boundary-domain singular integral equations of the Robin type problem for self-adjoint second-order strongly elliptic PDE systems

Otar Chkadua, Sergey Mikhailov, David Natroshvili
2020 Georgian Mathematical Journal  
AbstractThe paper deals with the three-dimensional Robin type boundary-value problem (BVP) for a second-order strongly elliptic system of partial differential equations in the divergence form with variable coefficients. The problem is studied by the localized parametrix based potential method. By using Green's representation formula and properties of the localized layer and volume potentials, the BVP under consideration is reduced to the a system of localized boundary-domain singular integral
more » ... uations (LBDSIE). The equivalence between the original boundary value problem and the corresponding LBDSIE system is established. The matrix operator generated by the LBDSIE system belongs to the Boutet de Monvel algebra. With the help of the Vishik–Eskin theory based on the Wiener–Hopf factorization method, the Fredholm properties of the corresponding localized boundary-domain singular integral operator are investigated and its invertibility in appropriate function spaces is proved.
doi:10.1515/gmj-2020-2082 fatcat:3korzb3lpfcw7kyedkj2cmgsgi