Speech interface dialog with smart glasses

Aryan Firouzian, Petri Pulli, Matus Pleva, Jozef Juhar, Stanislav Ondas
2017 2017 15th International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications (ICETA)  
This paper describes design of elderly-user-friendly multi-mode user interface with different modules. Use of eye glasses is common among senior citizens, and it inspired us to implement interface modules on it. Indicator-based Glasses contains the Eye Blinking Detection module integrated with visual cues indicators as system feedback. The multi-mode interface provides five interaction channels by proposing audio input/output modules and Android application on smartphone device. The VoiceXML
more » ... log Manager implementation (VoiceON) is described and proposed for speech enabled computer initiated dialogues. Senior citizens suffering from mild and moderate dementia are the primary target group of the proposed system. The human factors of the multi-mode interface will be tested in experiment with senior citizens, and different scenarios will be evaluated.
doi:10.1109/iceta.2017.8102483 fatcat:2m6vvtlq5ngjxjtfq2gyxxm33e