Bounds of modes and unimodal processes with independent increments

Ken-Iti Sato
1986 Nagoya mathematical journal  
A probability measure μ is called unimodal if there is a point α such that the distribution function of μ is convex on (− ∞, α) and concave on (α, ∞). The point α is called a mode of μ. When μ is unimodal, the mode of μ is not always unique; the set of modes is a one point set or a closed interval. If μ is a unimodal distribution with finite variance, Johnson and Rogers [6] give a bound where m and v are mean and variance of μ (see also [11]).
doi:10.1017/s0027763000022650 fatcat:mp4jq2prl5h5rigj5xnoszncfe