Estudos de gênero na pesquisa em jornalismo no Brasil: uma tênue relação

Monica Martinez, Cláudia Lago, Mara Coelho de Souza Lago
2016 Revista FAMECOS  
This paper investigates the relationship between gender studies and Brazilian journalism research. Analysis is centered on papers presented at the Brazilian Association of Researchers in Journalism (SBPJor) annual meeting from its beginning, 2003, until 2014, which were screened for keyword "gender". It employs content analysis method (Bardin, 2011), and categories analyzed were a) gender relations theoretical framework; b) researcher profile. Corpus consists of five researches identified in
more » ... association's database in the 2010-2014 period. As a major result, it was observed an emerging presence of surveys, however, to date they don´t connect to the strong tradition of gender studies in the country in other areas of knowledge.
doi:10.15448/1980-3729.2016.2.22464 fatcat:kk7melclyzerpaws2rl5tmibgi