Synthesis of a novel D-A type photoelectrical material based on fluorene

Hewei Yan, Zebiao Tang, Huayin Shen, Xiaoxia Sun
2015 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems (ICMEIS 2015)   unpublished
Novel D-A type conjugated organic molecules composed of central fluorene units and cyanoacetic acid terminal groups have been designed and constructed. The article was aimed at improving the solubility of small molecules by introducing aliphatic chains, and improving the optical and electrical properties of small molecules by introducing cyanoacetic acid. The target compounds would be promising candidates for organic light-emitting diodes.
doi:10.2991/icmeis-15.2015.108 fatcat:ymxpgijhbndvrlau5wylnjdxiy