Reducing the Time Factor for analyzing the Errors and Fixing in Big Sensor data

Anusha, N Guruprasad
International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications   unpublished
The big sensor data is so common in the industries and research application that grows so rapid that increase in volume and velocity is going to be meteoric. As the sensor data keeps on increasing it becomes a very difficult task to process using the on hand database tools and data processing applications. To overcome from the drawbacks the cloud computing has been provided with a unique feature of tackling with the challenges by providing the flexible massive storage, computing and software
more » ... vices in a lower cost. Many techniques has been developed for processing sensor data such as sensor cloud but it would not support fast error detection and location of error faster in big sensor data sets. In our proposed system real based approach for faster detection and location of errors in the sensor data sets. The error detection is based on scale free network topology which would dramatically accelerate the process. We fix the errors using the spatial and temporal correlation technique. This approach can reduce the time for detection's of the error and also location of the error in big data sets and main advantage is fixing the errors.