Numerical simulation of turbulent flow in a cyclonic separator

Dmitry Bogdanov, Sergey Poniaev
2014 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
Numerical simulation of a turbulent flow of air with dispersed particles through a cyclonic separator is presented. Because of a high streamline curvature in the separator it is difficult to simulate the flow by using the conventional turbulent models. In this work the curvature correction term was included into the k − ω − SST turbulence model implemented in the OpenFOAM R software. Experimental data and results of numerical simulation by the commercial ANSYS Fluent R solver for a turbulent
more » ... w in a U-duct were used to validate the model. The numerical simulation of the flow in the cyclonic separator demonstrates that the implemented turbulence model successfully predicts the cyclonic separator efficiency.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/572/1/012056 fatcat:4xjultnjrbgonnnllt4y4qjeyq