A Brief Probe into the Process that Clothing Structure Take to Tridimensional Structure from Plane Structure

Linqun Zhu, Dong Xu
2009 Asian Social Science  
Ground on the change process of clothing structure modeling and the cause of clothing structure changing, this paper analyses the reason of how does Clothing Structure Takes to tridimensional structure from plane structure. Scanning clothing history, there are different understandings on the relation between clothing and human in the orient and the west. Especially after the 13th century, the clothing structure of the orient and the west had been moving in different directions. It should be
more » ... that clothing structure is very similar between the west and the orient early in the human civilization. The technique of clothes making was plane cuts, taking no account of fitness relation between clothing and human. But after the 13th century, the west clothes making tended towards tridimensional structure whereas the orient clothes making still used the old technique of plane cuts. Now, we will focus on how the west clothing tacked to tridimensional structure from plane structure. Judging by the form, Western clothing had been evolving into modern tight clothing from ancient loose clothing; from the viewpoint of modeling, it had been developing from non-forming period, through half forming period, to human forming period. The evolution and development of Western clothing has long history and deep accumulation. The science, functionality, rationality and variability which it reflected has been became a kind of preponderant culture that recognized and followed by the world. First look at the changes history of clothing structure.
doi:10.5539/ass.v4n9p125 fatcat:kd63rsl4zfhnxcmhwgd2cag2tq