Supply Chain Efficiency of Shallot in Java Indonesia

Susanawati, Jamhari, Masyhuri, Dwidjono Darwanto
A common purpose of this study is to find supply chain channel of shallot from Cirebon, Brebes, and Nganjuk to Kramatjati Central Market Jakarta (KCMJ) with its efficiency. Supply chain channel of shallot in java is analyzed in description into the drawing shape. Supply chain efficiency is analyzed by marketing efficiency approach which includes market integration, margins and monopoly index. Market integration is analyzed by Engle Granger co-integration model. The result showed that supply
more » ... n channel of shallot from Nganjuk to KCMJ relatively shorter than that from Brebes to KCMJ and Cirebon to KCMJ. Market integration between producer market in Nganjuk with KCMJ are most powerful. Total margins and mixed monopoly index happened smallest in supply chain from Nganjuk to KCMJ, then followed by Brebes to KCMJ and Cirebon to KCMJ.Based on mareket integration, margins, and monopoly index can be concluded that supply chain of shallot from Nganjuk to KCMJ is the most efficient, then followed by supply chain from Brebes to KCMJ and Cirebon to KCMJ.