Soil Resources of Interfluve Garda Seaca-ordancusa from the Apuseni Mountains (Northern Bihor)

Anca-Luiza Stanila, Mihail Dumitru, Marian Musat
2015 Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia  
Pedogenetic conditions of interfluve Garda Seaca -Ordancusa northern part of the Bihor Massif in the Apuseni Mountains are characterized by a less complex geological constitution, the largest share (80%) having limestone (white and black) and dolomites, which became material support of morphogenesis and pedogenesis. Physiognomy current territory is due to the coexistence of lithologic and hydrological factors. Currently, the relief is made up of a number of peaks and slopes with very different
more » ... rientations, characterized by an overall drainage in most intensely-excessive. Under the influence of pedogenetic factors on the interfluve Garda Seaca -Ordancusa has formed a relatively wide range of soils belonging to several classes, namely protisols, cernisols, cambisols, spodisols and to a less extent hidrisols and histisols, represented in turn by one or more types or subtypes of soil. Of all these predominant soils occur protisols, lithic character, with some cambisols associated with rocks and rock the day. The mountainous region is sloping land areas (slopes moderately -strong and very steep inclined) but due to their natural vegetation cover forest and grassland soils appear to be affected by erosion. At present we can speak of erosion surface or deep in the vicinity of roads running the vehicles or mechanical means, and crawler tractors used in forestry.
doi:10.1016/j.aaspro.2015.08.042 fatcat:6wbymhxo5zdnxpwz3fkegkhbfa