Organizational structure and CEO dominance

Christian Schumacher
2021 Journal of Organization Design  
AbstractWe explore the effects of chief executive officers' (CEOs') personal dominance—an idiosyncratic character trait strongly associated with a desire for influence and control—on two fundamental organizational design decisions: the CEO's span of control (1) and her delegation of responsibilities as reflected in the appointment of a chief operating officer (COO) (2). Linking three original measures of CEO dominance based on quarterly earnings calls with manually collected data on span of
more » ... rol and COO positions for a sample of CEOs presiding over large US corporations, we demonstrate that CEOs who are high in dominance have a significantly larger personal span of control and delegate fewer decision rights than less-dominant CEOs. We discuss implications of our findings and future questions from an organizational design perspective.
doi:10.1186/s41469-021-00091-6 fatcat:5ayogsgwxbgztovdjdoloiez7m